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Thursday, August 29, 2013

My No'Poo Journey! How I Wash My Hair Without Shampoo, Use My Hair Mask, And Deep Conditioner.

Say hello to your new hair products! I know, I'm crazy right? Are you seeing all the weirdness that is food, not hair products! Looks like I'm going to be making some weird science experiment for my little sisters 2nd grade class. But really, these are the "products" that I put in my hair. NOT what you would normally see walking through the hair product isle in a store.

Now lets just take a moment to embrace our inner hippie, shall we? I started doing this crazy new thing called No'Poo (no shampoo, nothing to do with what we do when going to the bathroom). Let me just say that after I made the switch about 7.5 weeks ago, I am never going back to commercial shampoo and conditioner! I am also currently not using heat, I used to be addicted to my straightener and used it everyday. Now I've straightened my hair twice in almost 8 weeks!

Let me introduce you to my shampoo and conditioner. The norm for No'Poo is simply baking soda and apple cider vinegar. The mixture that I normally see people using is 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 8 oz. of water and then 1/2-1 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 8 oz. of water. The baking soda and water is your shampoo, you simply spray the roots of your hair with this, just the roots, and then massage your hair and rinse, and rinse well! The apple cider vinegar is your conditioner, spray the length of your hair, steering clear of your roots/scalp or it can make them greasy looking.

But as you can see, I also have an egg in the above picture. I have dry hair, and dry scalp and didn't really like the way baking soda made my hair feel. So instead of using the baking soda mixture to wash my hair, I simply take an egg, beat it and then mask it into my hair in the shower. Sometimes I do use the apple cider vinegar mixture in my hair for added moisture.

 I can tell you that my fiance thought that I was crazy for doing this, but he does support my decisions no matter how crazy they are!

 As a warning though! If you decide to go the egg route, do NOT use warm/hot water on your hair to rinse it out or the egg will cook in your hair!! I do sometimes when I get out of the shower have to pick bits of egg out of my hair, but its worth it!

Another warning with No'Poo, in the beginning you might absolutely hate it! You will go through what is called a transition phase. The transition phase is what your hair goes through after you make the switch. It could be that you hair gets extremely greasy, this is because shampoo strips that natural oils from your hair and it needs to get used to them being present. Your hair can also get very dry, if this is the case try not using as much baking soda or switch to the egg like I did. The transition phase can last anywhere from a week to a few weeks to a few months. But I promise you it is well worth it!

Now you're wondering "What are all the other random food items sitting there used for?" Let me tell you!

This is my before shower hair mask. The ingredients include 1 cup of milk, and 1 tablespoon of honey. After you put it in a bowl microwave it for 20 seconds so the honey will mix in with the milk and then flip your hair upside down over a sink and normally what I do is take the spoon I used to stir this and scoop it up and pour it all over my hair and scalp. Let it sit for 20-40 minutes, however long you like, and then "shampoo" your hair.

Now lastly, my deep conditioner. My most favorite thing in the entire world, coconut oil! Seriously, I use this stuff for everything! Cooking, lotion, in my body scrub recipe (more on that later), my hair, my son, my fiance, oh, you name it! But as far as No'Poo and oils go, be careful! Because coconut oil is a lighter oil and the closest to the oils your hair naturally produces this is the safest oil to use while No'Pooing. That being said, I wouldn't recommend caking this into your hair because I personally have never tried that and am not sure if it will come out without using shampoo.

What I do is dip one of my fingertips into it and then rub it into the rest of my fingertips, then massage is onto my scalp with my hair upside down. I'll also do the same thing, but rub a fingertips worth all over my hands until its got a little shine and then run my fingers and hands through the rest of my hair.

I do this the night before I know I'm going to wash my hair and then I wake up in the morning and either do my hair mask, or not, and then wash my hair as normal (and by normal, I mean with an egg or baking soda as I discussed above).

I know this was a long post, but I hope that at least someone found this useful and considers going  No'Poo! It has so many benefits to your hair, and it is so cheap in comparison to commercial shampoo, conditioner, and products.

Leave me comments about whether you found this useful, how the mask or deep conditioner worked on your hair, or any other No'Poo ideas for I am always interested in what other people are doing!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I've been reading a lot of no-poo articles and I've seen one or two household food products, but I've never seen these many! To tell you the truth, I'm quite skeptical at trying the no-poo trend, but your post is definitely changing my mind! Might even have a homemade concoction in the works! Thanks!

    Mattie @
