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Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Baby Got Glasses!

At Cylas's four month appointment I went thinking that every baby goes cross-eyed as much as he does. I remember my littlest sister Sophia, now 7, going cross-eyed a lot as a baby. But my mom told me I should ask his pediatrician about it, so of course I did to be on the same side, and it is a good thing I did! His pediatrician told me that he should have grown out of it by now and that she is going to refer us to an eye doctor.

So along came his eye doctor appointment. The building was beautiful. It looked like it had been an older Mexican restaurant. Anyways, we got called back to the office and the doctor examined his eyes. He first had to put drops in his eyes that made his pupils dialate and let me tell you, Cylas did not like that! The doctor warned us that they could make him very sleepy, but to wait in the waiting room for a half hour for them to work. They did indeed make Cylas tired and he took a little nap while we waited.

After waiting the half hour, we got called back again. The doctor brought out lenses and a flashlight to check his eyes. He would hold the lens up to one of Cylas's little eyes and shine the light through, he explained that the amount of light that shined through was what his prescription would be.
After about a hour and a half of being there, we learned that Cylas has Strabismus, a condition that causes his eyes to turn inward toward the nose and his vision is +3.50. He will have to have reading glasses for the rest of his life, but he needs to wear them for the next two months at least to see if that fixes his strabismus, if not then we will discuss surgery.

Almost a month passed and his glasses finally came! I got a call on the morning of January 9th that his glasses had finally came in, I was so excited! We also had a WIC appointment (which if you don't know what WIC is, it's a program that helps Women Infants and Children with nutrition, checks for food and baby food for the first year. I will go into further explanation in another post.) so we had to wait until after that to go pick them up. But after the appointment, I met up with my mom to go pick up the glasses.

When we first put them on him, I almost cried! He turned his little head and looked at me and gave me the biggest smile! It was like a whole new world for him! He was finally able to see everything around him! He smiled at everyone he saw that day and it was the cutest thing. I even eventually put him in front of the bathroom mirror, like I have multiple times since he was born, but this time he looked in the mirror and got so excited! He slapped the mirror, tried to press his mouth against it and was just in general a happy baby. Mind you, he never had such a reaction to the mirror before. I'd have to say it was one of the most heart warming days of my life.

It's been a couple of days since he's gotten his glasses and he is doing a bit better with them, he does pull them off every now and then and I haven't noticed him going cross-eyed as much (which I am VERY happy about!)

It is strange to see such a little baby wear glasses, he's 6 months old, weighs 12.6 pounds and is 24 and a quarter inches long (so yes, he's tiny.) But I think he looks adorable!

Well, here he is: Mister Cylas Anthony Flatt wearing his first pair glasses!(: